Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A little Gratitude

Seeing as I had only 2 posts in November (I was the queen of starting a post and not finishing it this month - December resolution, I promise) I'm throwing out a bonus Thanksgiving Day inspired post. It's really original...

I’m Thankful For…

Co-workers who drop everything they’re doing to shove ideas around with me. Yes, there’s some shoving, just of the ideas though… and in a really good way that makes me argue smarter.

Will Ferrell movies that make me laugh when I’m bummed out.

Pop Culture Trivial Pursuit DVD edition

Vanilla Eggnog (the grown-up kind)

My family’s cheesecake recipe and the hand-me-down springform pan my mom gave me to make it in

A 40 pound black mutt who is afraid of a pillow falling off the couch

An 80 lb Weimeraner who carries his food bowl around all day like he’s a starving African child that needs a sponsor

My iPhone. I hate to be so materialistic but this thing is the real deal Holyfield. Like woah.

A mom who forgives me for forgetting her birthday

A dad who cares so much about my mom that he sends me a well-deserved scathing email for forgetting my mom’s birthday

A Grammy who teaches me over the phone how to seal my pie crusts so they don’ t ooze out the side “just like Mimi used to do it”

A brother whose passion for his profession (ski patrolling) is both admirable and inspiring

A brother whose understated sensitivity and bashful sense of humor can bring me (privately) to tears

A boyfriend who has the same qualities I admire and love about my brothers (but not in a weird creepy way).

Friends who will Facebook, Twitter and text me wherever and whenever but still meet me in person for a drink and dance like idiots (quasi-privately) so we all feel better.

A boyfriend who merely grins and shakes his head when I royally screw up the entire universe

My Corolla and its gas mileage that has helped the ruin of my finances rise from the ashes

My Northface Bionic jacket – it’s just really that amazing.

Gossip magazines: my escape from the all-too-often depressing face of the real world

Not having to do dishes (at least rarely anyways)

Learning to golf

Knowing how to ski

Amazing sunsets, anytime, anyplace.

My four-day weekend that I’m going to spend with friends, family, food and football that starts right….now.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!


  1. I loved this... if I knew anything about technology I'd want to do the same thing. It made me so thankful for you and for the life that you ended up with. Sometimes I think about how screwed up we all were in that living room in the Watson Courts and wonder how we all got so lucky! Love ya! -Maura

  2. I agree with Maura that we all got so lucky, including having a lovely daughter!
    Love, Mom & Dad

  3. Haha, when you said "A boyfriend who merely grins and shakes his head when I royally screw up the entire universe," I could picture him clear as day doing it!!!

  4. awww, loving you kelly! we're thankful for *you*, too. hopefully we'll be able to hang out this weekend!

  5. Dear, dear Kelly...
    So glad we could party together at Brian & Lorraine's wedding. Have a wonderful thanksgiving. The House of Cin is sooooooooo
    thankful for the House of Neubauer!
    Love ya!

  6. Kelly!!!! That was wonderful! Your MOM is so very proud of you! Hugs! Denise (your Mom's pal from Methuen!)

  7. Wow Kel! that is such an awesome thanskgiving blog!! You have such a wonderful talent and heart to put something like this together with such finesse in using words to describe your pic's!! Take care...
    Love, Aunt Beth
