Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Jon Gosselin's Lawyer is an Idiot and Old Ladies in Shoes Shouldn't Throw Stones

I get it, most people could care less about Jon & Kate anymore. As a family law attorney, I have to admit, I am both riveted and absolutely disgusted by Jon's new legal team, particularly his new mouthpiece who has previously been suspended from practicing law for being a dirty sheister (that's a legal term), who was all over Fox News today bashing Kate. You can check it out if you want, but it is really incomprehensible.

Here's the short version of what probably happened. During a divorce, no one can withdraw or spend large amounts of money. They can pay their expenses but they can't empty $200K out of the joint account {ahem! Mr. Gosselin...} Jon did this, and had to put the money back and Kate had to provide an accounting for how she had paid the family's "regular expenses." She provided the accounting, didn't have to show for court, and Attorney Crazypants who represents Jon (who may not even be admitted to practice in Pennsylvania...) took the opportunity to mix some metaphors and bash her on the courthouse steps.

And here we have a perfect example of why people hate lawyers. That anyone like Attorney Crazypants are the "face" of the profession on a nationwide scale is about as fair as Ann Coulter being considered the face of all Republicans {shudder}. Also, his accent is annoying and his metaphors are impossible to decipher. He legitimately said that if you live in a glass house, you shouldn't throw a stone because it could bounce back at you...um, yeah, I'm pretty sure that's now why "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." There was also some crazy rant about the old lady in the shoe but that one was so mixed up I couldn't begin to try to make sense of it. I guess they skipped basic, common anecdotes in law school.

Stay tuned for more ranting and raving re: the Jon & Kate divorce. What can I say? It's kinda fun isn't it??

1 comment:

  1. Ummm yeah I agree. I'm also simultaneously repulsed and riveted by the whole fiasco. Those poor kids not only have to live through this right now, but they'll be reading all the dirty details when they get older. And thanks for the info about Jon's lawyer. Sometimes we laypeople have no clue as to the backgrounds of some of these lawyers.
